A sustainable system is one that creates more energy than it uses; creates more material than it needs; and creates more information than it consumes. One example of a sustainable city is the 600 year-old Ancient Yijiang, China (pictured top-right), where food and timber are grown in and around the city. Sydney, NSW (pictured on the left) has around 6 million residents that require the vast majority of their food and other resources to travel large distances every day.
EnviroSustain is a Central Coast Building Ecology business that improves the environmental impact of man’s interaction with buildings by minimising resource usage, and lowering waste and pollution. This also lowers building operating costs for households and businesses.
It also researches effective strategies to lower Greenhouse Gases for buildings and Urban Districts, with respect to:
1. District and city eg. refurbish only appropriate buildings, and consolidate locally near work and food.
2. Services eg. air conditioning, lighting, water heating, water tanks (distributed water)
3. Climate-dependent envelope changes eg. better insulation, shading, air-sealing
4. Human behaviour eg. using fewer resources, efficient appliances, efficient transport, local food (distributed farms), and
5. Renewable energy sources eg. wind and solar photo-voltaics (distributed energy)
Please contact us for our services, download the latest research papers, or contact us for any feedback.